2024 Elkhart Community Schools Benefit Guide - Final
Health Savings Accounts Combined with a High Deductible Health Plan, HSAs are a tax-friendly way to handle medical expenses and save for retirement. Our HSA options have you covered today and into the future: HSA Checking Start with an HSA Checking to build your balance and pay for medical expenses. HSA Certificates As your account balance grows, invest in a 12-, 36-, or 60- month certificate to earn higher dividends. ____________________________________________________________________ Open your HSA online at everwisecu.com/HSA USE PROMO CODE: ELKHARTSCHOOLSHSA Contact me if you have any questions: Derrick Stevens Asst. Branch Manager [email protected] Federally Insured by NCUA. This information is not designed, meant, nor does it constitute the rendering of legal or tax advice. All Everwise Credit Union deposit accounts are subject to membership requirements. See Products and Services Details for more information. Page 18 | Elkhart Community Schools Plan Year 2024 Open Enrollment This booklet provides only a summary of your benefits. All services described within are subject to the definitions, limitations, and exclusions set forth in each insurance carrier or provider’s contract.