2. DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this definition, "operating" includes allowing the engine to run even if not seated in the vehicle and "motorized vehicle" includes, but is not limited to, automobiles, motorcycles, boats and snowmobiles. Laceration means a cut. Layoff means that you are temporarily not Actively at Work for a period of time your Employer agreed to in Writing. Your normal vacation time is not considered a temporary Layoff. Leave of Absence means that you are temporarily not Actively at Work for a period of time your Employer agreed to in Writing. Your normal vacation time is not considered a temporary Leave of Absence. Loss of Arm, Eye, Finger, Foot, Hand, Leg, Toe, Sight · Loss of Arm means that the arm is completely cut off at or above the elbow. · Loss of an Eye means the permanent removal of the eyeball. · Loss of a Finger means that the finger is completely cut off at the joint proximate to the first interphalangeal joint where it is attached to the hand. · Loss of Foot means the loss of at least four toes of the same foot or that the foot is completely cut off at or above the ankle joint or the use of the foot is permanently lost. · Loss of Hand means the loss of at least two fingers and a thumb of the same hand or the permanent and irrecoverable loss of use of the hand. · Loss of Leg means that the leg is completely cut off at or above the knee. · Loss of a Toe means that the toe is completely cut off at the joint proximate to the first interphalangeal joint where it is attached to the foot. · Loss of Sight of an eye means best corrected vision of the eye is 20/200 or worse, or a visual field of 20 degrees or less. The degree of visual loss must be permanent with no realistic expectation of improvement. Observation Unit means a specified area within a Hospital, apart from the Emergency Room, where a patient can be monitored following outpatient surgery or Treatment in the Emergency Room by a Physician and which: · is under the direct supervision of a Physician or registered nurse; · is staffed by nurses assigned specifically to that unit; and · provides care seven days per week, 24 hours per day. Open Surgery means surgery involving direct visualization of the impacted area. Open Surgery requires Anesthesia. Outpatient or Outpatient Treatment means Treatment received by the Insured at a Hospital or licensed ambulatory care facility and there is no charge for room and board. Paralysis means the Insured has been diagnosed by a Physician with total and irreversible loss of voluntary movement in muscles due to Injury of associated nerves that is consecutively present for 30 days, but shall not include any paralysis caused by a stroke. · Monoplegia is the complete and irreversible Paralysis of one arm or one leg. · Hemiplegia is the complete and irreversible Paralysis of one arm and one leg on the same side. · Diplegia is the complete and irreversible Paralysis of both arms. · Paraplegia is the complete and irreversible Paralysis of both legs. · Quadriplegia is the complete and irreversible Paralysis of both arms and both legs. Participation in a Riot, Rebellion or Insurrection, the words "Participation" and "Riot" in this phrase mean: Participation includes promoting, inciting, conspiring to promote or incite, aiding, abetting, and all forms of taking part in, but will not include actions taken in defense of public or private property, or actions taken in 16-AC-C-01 Page13
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