8. Would you prefer to pay more money from your paycheck for medical insurance (premium contributions) or more money when you actually go to the doctor or hospital (for example, pay higher deductibles and higher copayments)? More money from my paycheck More money only when I go to doctor or hospital Do not understand 9. What is your impression of [Company Name] benefit plans compared to other local employers? Excellent Above average Average Below average Poor 10. How Satisfied are you with our benefits enrollment procedures and tools? Excellent Above average Average Below average Poor 11. Do you know whom to contact if you have questions or concerns about your benefits? Excellent Above average Average Below average Poor 12. On a scale of 1 to 5 where 5 equals “a lot” and 1 equals “not at all,” how much of an impact did [Company Name] benefits have on: Your decision to join the company? 1 2 3 4 5 If over 3, which benefits? Your decision to stay with the company? 1 2 3 4 5 If over 3, which benefits? 13. Please provide any additional comments on how we can improve upon our employee benefit plans, or how we can better meet your needs.
Employee Benefits Survey Page 2