Frequently Asked Questions We don't have a Absolutely - Our Base Solution is the perfect place to start. comprehensive program Even small initiatives and targeted educational campaigns can right now, but is it worth plant the seeds of success for your program to grow and doing something for our promote a healthier workplace. employees? If you’re ready to supplement, expand or elevate your wellness program to the next level, one of our solution packages may What if we already have an be the right next step to support your goals, vision and long- existing wellness program? term strategy. How do you determine We reference the national monthly health observances and each monthly health have modified to support a preventative health education theme? campaign focus. We haven't done a wellness Yes! Studies show wellness challenges are a top favorite challenge in the past. Can wellness activity across the board and show higher your team help guide us participation for employees compared to other wellness through the Challenge activities. Toolkits? What is the cost of the Base Our Base Solution is included for all LHD clients at no Solution? additional charge. Can we move up to the next Yes, as your wellness strategy shifts and evolves, we'll level solutions package any help launch the implementation of the next level solutions time during the year? package that best fits your needs and goals. Page 8 VISION EDUCATION SOLUTIONS