PowerPoint Presentation

AUGUST 2024 MENTAL HEALTH MINUTE Mental Health Minute Zoning Out: The Signs, Social Media and the Risks Causes and When to Get of Self-diagnosis Help The growing trend of using technology and social “Zoning out” is a mild and common form of media platforms like Instagram and TikTok for dissociation. Nearly everyone does it from time self-diagnosing mental health conditions raises to time. Zoning out can serve as a coping concerns. While these platforms can enhance mechanism when you are bored, tired, distracted, awareness of mental health issues, they also pose stressed, anxious or dealing with a difficulty in risks. Accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective life. mental health treatment and recovery. Zoning out is like your brain switching into Self-diagnosis can signify proactive mental health autopilot mode. During this short period, you management. Seeking mental health information may feel disconnected from the things on social media can offer benefits, such as happening around you and briefly forget what understanding different conditions and personal you’re doing or where you are. Daydreaming is a experiences, prompting greater self-awareness. common way of zoning out. This exposure can destigmatize mental health Zoning out is a normal brain function but has topics, encouraging learning and discussion. pros and cons. It can offer a brief mental break from external pressures or stresses, allowing the However, consuming online mental health mind to recharge. However, zoning out can lead content and self-diagnosing carry significant to errors or accidents during critical tasks. risks. Social media facilitates rapid dissemination Consider these strategies to help you refocus and of misinformation about mental health not zone out during less-than-ideal times: conditions. The DSM-5 TR categorizes nearly 300 • Identify patterns - track when you’re zoning mental disorders, each presenting uniquely in out to help identify any patterns of mind- individuals, complicating accurate diagnosis. wandering. Incorrect self-diagnosis may divert attention from • Activate your senses - ground yourself by effective coping strategies or treatments. breathing in a strong fragrance, candy with an In summary, while accessing mental health intense flavor or running cold or warm water information online can be beneficial, caution is over your hands. essential to avoid potential pitfalls associated • Take breaks - take short, frequent breaks with inaccurate self-diagnosis and misinformation during the day to stretch, rest and fuel up with spread on social media. a snack to increase concentration. 250 West 96th Street, Suite 350 Office: Indianapolis, IN 46220 Population Health: LHDbenefits.com [email protected]