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AUGUST 2024 LIVE WELL. WORK WELL. NEWSLETTER: Drowning Rate on the Rise Are You Up to Date After two decades of decline, the Centers for Disease on Your Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that accidental drowning rates are increasing in the United States. Immunizations? According to the latest data, more than 4,500 people died due to drowning each year from 2020–22, which August is recognized as National is 500 more individuals per year compared to 2019. Immunization Awareness Month to Drowning has long been the leading cause of death promote the importance of for preschool-age children. However, it’s important to immunizations at all life stages. note that roughly 15% of adults—40 million people— Vaccination protects against severe don’t know how to swim, and more than half of illnesses and complications of vaccine- adults have never taken a swimming lesson. The new preventable diseases, including measles, CDC study found that, in general, many Americans polio, hepatitis, meningococcal lack the skills they need to stay safe in the water. meningitis and COVID-19. Regardless of age, it’s important to learn basic Vaccinations are so vital that the CDC swimming and water safety skills. Check out the offers immunization schedules to help infographic below for water safety tips to help you understand if you or others are up prevent drowning. to date on shots: and children (birth to age 6) • Infants • Preteens and teens (ages 7-18) • Ad Water Safety Tips ults (ages 19 and older) • Pregnant women (consult your OB/GYN) Talk to your doctor for more information Learn how Supervise children Know how to on vaccines or to learn more about to swim. around water. perform CPR. which ones you may need. Avoid alcohol Wear life jackets during water when boating activities. and swimming.

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