PowerPoint Presentation

JULY 2024 BEST PRACTICES FOR PREVENTIVE CARE Get Active to Improve Your Health Did you know that exercising regularly could help you fight off chronic conditions and diseases? Exercise can help control your blood pressure, blood sugar and weight, raise your “good” cholesterol, and prevent diseases such as colorectal cancer, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. If you’re ready to get active, keep the following tips in mind: AEROBIC ACTIVITY Get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (e.g., briskly walking) or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (e.g., running) every week. STRENGTH Incorporate muscle-strengthening exercises at least two days a week. AVOID INJURY Avoid injuries by doing the following three steps each workout: • Warm up: warming up allows your body time to adjust from rest to activity. Always remember to gradually increase the intensity of your warmup to reduce stress to your bones, muscles and heart. • Cool down: as with warming up, cooling down should include movements like those in your workout, but at a gradually decreasing level of intensity. • Stretch: after cooling down, stretching helps to build flexibility and range of motion. When stretching, remember to use gentle, fluid movements and to breathe normally 250 West 96th Street, Suite 350 Office: Indianapolis, IN 46220 Population Health: LHDbenefits.com [email protected]

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