March 2025 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat A 1 2 3 B C D E Submit the Medicare Part D Labor (DOL) each year by March 1. However, because the A Disclosure to CMS (Calendar-year deadline falls on a weekend, it is extended to the next Plans Only) business day, which is March 3, 2025. In general, MEWAs Submit an online form to the Centers for Medicare and are arrangements, including association health plans, that Medicaid Services (CMS) indicating whether your health offer benefits to the employees of two or more different plan’s prescription drug coverage is creditable or non- employers. A 60-day automatic extension may be creditable. The deadline for submitting this annual requested by the filing deadline. disclosure is 60 days from the beginning of the plan year. For calendar-year health plans, the deadline for the annual D Provide ACA Form 1095-C to online disclosure is March 1, 2025. Employees Furnish Form 1095-C to employees by March 3, 2025, if B Submit Electronic Reports to OSHA your company is an ALE. These statements were required Submit OSHA Form 300A by March 2, 2025, for to be provided on or before Jan. 31; however, the IRS establishments with at least 250 employees who are extended this deadline by 30 days. With the extension, the required to create and maintain OSHA records. deadline is normally March 2. However, because the Establishments with 20-249 employees in certain high- deadline falls on a weekend, the statements must be hazard industries must also submit this data by March 2, furnished by the next business day, which is March 3, 2025. Employers with 100 or more employees in certain 2025. high-hazard industries must submit additional injury and illness information from their OSHA Forms 300 and Starting with ACA reporting for 2024, ALEs may use an 301. Companies use OSHA’s Injury Tracking Application to alternative method of furnishing Form 1095-C that submit their reports. requires these statements to be provided upon request only. ALEs must give individuals timely notice of this File Form M-1 for MEWAs option, in accordance with requirements set by the IRS. C Administrators of multiple employer welfare Requests must be fulfilled by Jan. 31 of the year following arrangements (MEWAs) that offer medical benefits must the calendar year to which the return relates or 30 days electronically file Form M-1 with the U.S. Department of after the date of the request, whichever is later.